X-连锁铜缺乏症是英文X-linked copper deficiency的中文翻译。它又叫做门克斯(Menkes)综合征,是一种影响体内铜水平的疾病。 它的特点是头发稀疏,卷曲; 体重增加缓慢,不能以预期的速度增长(未能茁壮成长); 神经系统功能不断恶化。 其他体征和症状包括肌肉张力减弱(肌张力低下)、下垂的面部特征、癫痫、发育迟缓和智力残疾。 Menkes综合征患儿通常在婴儿期开始出现症状,在没有基因解码指导下的有效干预,通常不会活过3岁。早期用铜治疗可能会改善症状。 在少数情况下,症状在儿童时期开始。枕角综合征(有时称为X连锁皮肤松弛症)是一种不太严重的Menkes综合征形式,始于儿童早期至中期。 它的特征是在颅骨底部(枕骨)形成楔形钙沉积物,粗糙的头发、松散的皮肤和关节。
X-连锁铜缺乏症疾病的婴儿发生后2至3个月表现为,随时不能达到发育的基本指标,张力减退、癫痫发作和停止生长。同时出现典型的神经系统变化和头发的头发特征性变化(短小、稀疏、粗糙、扭曲、并且通常有轻微着色)。新生儿期可能存在体温波动和低血糖。没有基因解码指导下的治疗,通常发生在三岁以前死亡。OHS以“枕角”为特征,在斜方肌和胸锁乳突肌与枕骨附着部位有特殊的楔形钙化。枕骨角可能临床上可触及或在颅骨X光片上看到。 OHS患者也有松弛的皮肤和关节,膀胱憩室,腹股沟疝和血管迂曲。智力正常或略有下降。
Menkes disease is suspected in males who develop hypotonia, failure to thrive, and seizures between age six and ten weeks.
Shortly thereafter, hair changes become manifest: the scalp and (usually) eyebrow hair is short, sparse, coarse, twisted, and often lightly pigmented (white, silver, or gray). The hair is shorter and thinner on the sides and back of the head. The hair can be reminiscent of steel wool cleaning pads. Light microscopic hair analysis reveals pili torti(hair shafts twisting 180°), trichoclasis (transverse fracture of the hair shaft), and trichoptilosis (longitudinal splitting of the hair shaft). Because of the flattening of the normal cylindric structure, the periodicity of the twisting in pili tortiis different from that found in naturally curly hair.
Specific clinical features include:
- Distinctive facial features: jowly appearance with sagging cheeks
- Pectus excavatum (midline depression in the bony thorax)
- Skin laxity, particularly on the nape of the neck and trunk
- Umbilical or inguinal hernias
- Hypotonia, neurodevelopmental delays, and failure to thrive, typically manifest by age three to six months
Occipital horn syndrome (OHS) is suspected in males with:
- Occipital horns (distinctive wedge-shaped calcifications at the site of attachment of the trapezius muscle and the sternocleidomastoid muscle to the occipital bone). These calcifications may be clinically palpable or observed on skull radiographs.
- Lax skin and joints
- Bladder diverticula
- Inguinal hernias
- Vascular tortuosity
- Dysautonomia (chronic diarrhea, orthostatic hypotension)
- Mild cognitive deficits
Serum concentration of copper and ceruloplasmin. Males with classic Menkes disease or OHS have low serum copper concentration and low serum ceruloplasmin concentration (see Table 1).
Table 1.
Serum Copper and Serum Ceruloplasmin Concentration in Males with Menkes Disease, Occipital Horn Syndrome, and ATP7A-Related Distal Motor Neuropathy
Serum Concentration Menkes Disease 1 OHS ATP7A-Related DMN Normal Copper 0-55 µg/dL 40-80 µg/dL 80-100 µg/dL 70-150 µg/dL;
(birth - 6 mos: 20-70 µg/dL)Ceruloplasmin 10-160 mg/L 110-240 mg/L 240-310 mg/L 200-450 mg/L;
(birth - 6 mos: 50-220 mg/L)-
OHS = occipital horn syndrome
DMN = distal motor neuropathy
- 1.
Diagnosis of Menkes disease using these studies alone in males under age six months is problematic given the normally low serum concentration in all children at this age.
- 致病基因:
根据《人的基因序列变化与人体疾病表征》数据库,佳学基因发现多种基因序列变化会导致X-连锁铜缺乏症。这些基因控制编码调节体内铜水平的重要蛋白质。 铜对于许多细胞功能是必需的,但是当过量存在时它是有毒的。 基因解码发现致病基因中的突变导致铜在身体细胞分布不良。 铜在一些组织中积累,如小肠和肾脏,而大脑和其他组织的铜含量异常低。 铜的供应减少可能会降低许多含铜酶的活性,这些酶是骨骼,皮肤,毛发,血管和神经系统的结构和功能所必需的。 Menkes综合症和枕角综合症的体征和症状是由这些含铜酶的活性降低引起的。
- 遗传方式:
根据佳学基因《人的基因序列变化与人体疾病表征》数据库,X-连锁铜缺乏症以X连锁隐性模式遗传。 如果导致疾病的突变基因位于每条细胞中两条性染色体之一的X染色体上,则该疾病被认为是X连锁的。 在男性(只有一个X染色体)中,每个细胞中一个改变的基因拷贝足以导致该病症。 在女性(有两个X染色体拷贝)的情况下,每个细胞中的一个基因改变拷贝可能会导致该病症,女性患者可能比受影响的男性受到的症状轻微。 只有一个基因突变的女性中有大约一半没有这种疾病征状。
- 癫痫
- 发育障碍
- 智力障碍
- Copper transport disease
- Hypocupremia, Congenital
- Kinky Hair Syndrome
- Menkea syndrome
- Menkes Disease
- MK
- Steely Hair Syndrome
- X-linked copper deficiency