挖掘精神科基因组学个性化药物选择记录《Clin Psychol Rev》在. 2020 Jun;78:101857.发表了一篇题目为《临床心理学的进化和遗传见解》肿瘤靶向药物治疗基因检测临床研究文章。该研究由Bernard J Crespi等完成。促进了肿瘤的精准治疗与个性化用药的发展,进一步强调了基因信息检测与分析的重要性。
Recent advances in genetics, and new applications of evolutionary biology, are transforming psychology and psychiatry. The purpose of this article is to review and synthesize the progress in these two areas that is most salient to the practice of clinical psychology. First, I describe how the results of genome-wide studies have elucidated the genetic architectures of psychiatric disorders. These genetic results can be applied to generate polygenic risk scores, identify rare causal mutations, evaluate gene by environment interactions, and help determine the specific causes of psychiatric disorders for each individual, all of which can help to guide therapies and treatments. Second, I explain how evolutionary theory, applied to human development, the human psyche, and mental disorders, leads to novel insights relevant to therapy. Evolutionary thinking for psychiatry and psychology is consilient with contemporary schools of thought in clinical psychology, but also provides novel, non-intuitive, and clinically-useful insights. Effects of the genome in development, and functioning of the adult psyche, are both usefully conceived as dynamical, non-linear systems, regulated by feedbacks, that can become disordered in predictable yet individualistic ways. The merging of genetic, neurological, psychological, and evolutionary approaches is set to transform clinical psychology and psychiatry, but requires increased emphasis on cross-disciplinary thinking and research.Keywords: Adaptation; Dynamical systems; Evolutionary biology; Fitness; Genomics.