挖掘肿瘤基因组学个性化药物选择记录,在基因检测技术相关章节中引用并参考了《J Cell Biochem》在. 2008 Dec 15;105(6):1327-41.发表了一篇题目为《染色体稳定性基因检测揭示致癌过程及肿瘤致死率抑制》肿瘤靶向药物治疗基因检测临床研究文章。该研究由Changxian Shen , Yonggang Zhou, Jun Zhan, Sven N Reske, Andreas K Buck等完成。基因检测揭示突变的存在、种类与数量,而基因解码则是将这种信息转化为临床应用指导的核心。清晰地阐述了基因检测们息应用的不同不节的实际价值。
The maintenance and survival of each organism depends on its genome integrity. Alterations of essential genes, or aberrant chromosome number and structure lead to cell death. Paradoxically, cancer cells, especially in solid tumors, contain somatic gene mutations and are chromosome instability (CIN), suggesting a mechanism that cancer cells have acquired to suppress the lethal mutations and/or CIN. Herein we will discuss a tumor lethality suppression concept based on the studies of yeast genetic interactions and transgenic mice. During the early stages of the multistep process of tumorigenesis, incipient cancer cells probably have adopted genetic and epigenetic alterations to tolerate the lethal mutations of other genes that ensue, and to a larger extent CIN. In turn, CIN mediated massive gain and loss of genes provides a wider buffer for further genetic reshuffling, resulting in cancer cell heterogeneity, drug resistance and evasion of oncogene addiction, thus CIN may be both the effector and inducer of tumorigenesis. Accordingly, interfering with tumor lethality suppression could lead to cancer cell death or growth defects. Further validation of the tumor lethality suppression concept would help to elucidate the role of CIN in tumorigenesis, the relationship between CIN and somatic gene mutations, and would impact the design of anticancer drug development.