学习听到《Dermatology》在. 2002;204(4):296-7.发表了一篇题目为《节段性神经纤维瘤病》肿瘤靶向药物治疗基因检测临床研究文章。该研究由Erwin S Schultz, Dieter Kaufmann, Sigrid Tinschert, Hermann Schell, Peter von den Driesch, Gerold Schuler等完成。促进了肿瘤的精准治疗与个性化用药的发展,进一步强调了基因信息检测与分析的重要性。
节段性神经纤维瘤病的特点是皮肤神经纤维瘤病 1 型 (NF1) 病变的节段性分布有限。有人提出,节段性 NF 是由合子后 NF1 基因突变引起的,最近,这一假设已在一名患有区域分布的牛奶咖啡 (CAL) 斑点和雀斑的患者身上得到证实,证明了 NF1 微缺失仅限于培养的成纤维细胞来自 CAL 点。我们在这里描述了一名患有节段性 NF 的患者,其中我们无法通过使用蛋白质截短测试、酶促突变检测和荧光原位杂交来证明从神经纤维瘤培养的成纤维细胞中存在任何 NF1 基因突变。这些数据与许旺细胞中的 NF1 突变而非成纤维细胞中的突变与神经纤维瘤形成相关的概念一致。
Segmental neurofibromatosis is characterised by a limited, segmental distribution of cutaneous neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) lesions. It has been suggested that segmental NF results from a postzygotic NF1 gene mutation, and, recently, this hypothesis has been proven in a patient with regionally distributed café-au-lait (CAL) spots and freckles by demonstrating an NF1 microdeletion restricted to fibroblasts cultured from CAL spots. We describe here a patient with segmental NF in which we could not demonstrate any NF1 gene mutation in fibroblasts cultured from neurofibromas by use of the protein truncation test, enzymatic mutation detection and fluorescence in situ hybridisation. These data are in line with the concept that NF1 mutations in Schwann cells, but not in fibroblasts, correlate with neurofibroma formation.